Xirsys Private Cloud provides you with your own dedicated, white labeled,
fully managed, custom configured, scalable WebRTC TURN server infrastructure.
This solution is ideal for the company who wants full control over the configuration,
geolocation, and rules of their WebRTC back-end without the overhead of designing,
deploying and maintaining the network and TURN server infrastructure.
Clusters available in:
USA (East/West/Central),
Europe (London/Frankfurt), Asia (Singapore/Tokyo).
Other global regions are available on request, prices may vary.
Performance tests were conducted @ 512 kbps per TURN connection.
Note: memory usage will increase based on the number of sessions
provisioned over time and is automatically managed by the TURN server.
Additional resources will be consumed if your clusters utilize media servers.
Additional clusters and host machines provide scale and redundancy and can be added to your service at anytime.
Medium Host
TURN capacity:
~560 concurrent TURN connections
Utilizing an average of 70% CPU
Average Memory load = <1 GB
$280 /month
per additional Host server
Large Host
TURN capacity:
~880 concurrent TURN connections
Utilizing an average of 70% CPU
Average Memory load = <1 GB
$440 /month
per additional Host server
X-Large Host
TURN capacity:
~2200 concurrent TURN connections
Utilizing an average of 70% CPU
Average Memory load = <1 GB
$660 /month
per additional Host server
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Primary Region?
A primary region is the geographic location of where the
majority of your users will access your service.
Can I have multiple regions?
Yes. You can deploy as many clusters across as many regions as you wish.
Your clusters can be connected and synchronized globally or stand-alone.
Simply advise the Xirsys team of how you would like to configure your network.
How do I know how much bandwidth I will need?
This depends entirely on the nature of your WebRTC application.
You can use the following equation to help gauge your potential
bandwidth usage based on TURN relay traffic.
TURN relay traffic = number of participants^2 *
stream bitrate * total seconds of transmission.
A 1-minute one-to-one medium quality video call using
TURN: 2^2 * 512 kbits/s * 60 s = 122,880 kbits = 15.3 MB bandwidth usage.
Please keep in mind that STUN connections account for
roughly 85% of all connections, whereas TURN only makes up 15% on average.
How much will it cost for additional bandwidth above what is included with my plan?
We offer volume discounts on bandwidth with based on region and the size of terabyte commit.
Contact sales@xirsys.com for a quote.
How does load balancing work?
Dedicated Cloud load balancing comes in two forms:
1. Load balancing between nodes within a cluster, and
2. Geographic load balacing between various global clusters.
Within a cluster, tasks are routed between 3 or more nodes to the machine with
the least used CPU and memory resources.
Geographic load balancing routes requests to the nearest cluster to user's
geographic location, then to the least loaded node within that cluster.
How do I white label the service?
You must provide us with 5 SSL certificates (or a wildcard) for your domain per cluster
and point your DNS to each of the addresses we provide to you.
One for the primary endpoint, each of the worker nodes and the data server.
Do you offer other regions not shown in the map?
Yes, we can provide service in almost any datacenter in the world.
Prices will vary depending on your requirements.
Contact sales@xirsys.com for more information.
After I've placed my order for a Dedicated Cluster,
how long will it take before I can use it in production?
Your cluster will be live and ready for you to use within
1-5 business days depending on your requirements.